Sheikh Hasina has been congratulated by the leaders of eight nations for being re-elected to the position of prime minister of Bangladesh for a record four terms.

The nations include Singapore, Malaysia, Brazil, Egypt, Luxemburg, Turkey, United Arab Emirates (UAE), and Qatar.

According to the Prime Minister's Press Wing on Friday, their leaders have congratulated Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina.

Following Bangladesh's general elections, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan sent Sheikh Hasina a congratulations message upon her reappointment as prime minister.

"I am confident that the relations between our countries based on historical and cultural ties will further deepen and strengthen during your new term," he said.

Anwar Ibrahim, the prime minister of Malaysia, congratulated Sheikh Hasina on her reelection as Bangladesh's prime minister in a greeting card.

"During your time as prime minister, you have effectively guided your nation through over ten years of strong economic expansion, making Bangladesh a notable success in Asia," he stated. "I do not doubt that you will guide Bangladesh toward even greater accomplishments of Smart Bangladesh 2041," he said.

Anwar Ibrahim stated that Malaysia cherishes its friendly and cordial relations with Bangladesh.

"The close ties between our two countries, bound by our commonalities and shared values, have greatly benefited our people," he went on.

In a letter of greeting, Egyptian President Abdel Fattah Al Sisi wished Sheikh Hasina the very best on her victory in the general elections and her subsequent appointment to a second term as Bangladesh's prime minister.

"Your re-election to this high office reflects the confidence and trust your people have in your able leadership to achieve further progress for your country," he said.

According to Abdel Fattah, Egypt and Bangladesh have a long history of friendship and collaboration. He stated his optimism that these two countries' bilateral relations will further strengthen in the years to come, benefiting their respective populations.

Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva congratulated Sheikh Hasina once more in a letter for her leadership during her four terms as Prime Minister as evidenced by the significant social and economic achievements of her government.

He hoped her fifth term would be a great success in steering the friendly country's course.

Lula da Silva promised that Bangladesh would always have Brazil as a resolute ally in the fight for social justice and prosperity.

He expressed the hope that the two nations will be able to keep cooperating and forging stronger ties of friendship.

In addition, he extended an invitation via diplomatic channels for the prime minister of Bangladesh to come to Brazil on a mutually convenient date.

The 12th National Election of Bangladesh saw Sheikh Hasina win an absolute majority. This was greeted with warm congratulations and best wishes from a number of influential people, including Singapore's prime minister Lee Hsien Loong, Vice-President of the United Arab Emirates, Prime Minister and Ruler of Dubai Sheikh Mohammad Bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice-Prime Minister of Luxembourg, Minister for Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade, and Minister for Cooperation and Humanitarian Action Xavier Bettel of Luxembourg.
