Dhaka, June 17,(V7N)- The Inter Services Public Relations (ISPR) of Bangladesh has issued a statement to address concerns and dispel rumors regarding the situation at the Bangladesh-Myanmar maritime boundary near St. Martin's Island.
The ISPR release comes in light of ongoing internal conflicts in Myanmar, where the Myanmar military is conducting joint operations against the Arakan Army in Rakhine State. These conflicts have led to incidents of unwanted firing on Bangladeshi boats in the Naf River and its adjacent estuary area.
On June 12, 2024, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Bangladesh expressed deep concern and lodged a protest regarding the threats posed to Bangladeshi citizens. Today's ISPR statement highlighted that the Myanmar Navy is positioning itself near the maritime boundary and the Naf River, engaging in artillery exchanges with the Arakan Army. The Myanmar Navy has multiple warships in the area and has kept the Bangladesh Navy informed about their operations near St. Martin’s Island.
In response, the Bangladesh Navy and Coast Guard have increased patrols within Bangladesh’s maritime boundary to monitor the movements of Myanmar's naval forces.
The ISPR emphasized that the internal conflict in Myanmar remains confined to its mainland and coastal areas, and urged the public not to be misled by rumors circulating on social media about the security of St. Martin's Island.
"Everyone is requested to remain calm and not be swayed by unverified information," the ISPR statement concluded.