On Saturday, February 10, early in the morning, the mortar shell was found undamaged next to the Tumbru road bridge in Bandarban, Bangladesh.

Locals and the BGB reported seeing detonated mortar rounds close to the bridge in the morning. Following notification of the BGB, the mortar shell was retrieved and stored securely.

Tumbru BOP preserved around two mortar munitions unexploded in a secure location. But the exact time of the explosion is still unknown.

Ghoomdhum Ward No. 1 UP member Shafiqul Islam stated that the BGB had reported sighting the mortar shell next to the bridge early in the morning. That explosive was later found and relocated to a secure location.
It should be mentioned that yesterday, the BGB found unexploded mortar shells close to the 34th pillar of the Tumbru border.
