Dhaka, Oct 19 (V7N)- BNP Senior Joint Secretary General Ruhul Kabir Rizvi has urged the continuation of genuine multi-party democracy, emphasizing that the people of Bangladesh have yet to fully experience the benefits of true democracy. Rizvi made these remarks after visiting street children injured during a movement in Gulistan on Saturday afternoon.

He stated that the achievements gained through the people's struggles and "terrible tragedy" must be realized in full. Rizvi also warned that forces allied with fascism are attempting to create anarchy in the country, endangering the democratic rights of the people.

"The ghosts of the defeated, undemocratic murderous government want to bring back a cruel dictatorship," Rizvi said, accusing the current regime of seeking to establish a one-party authoritarian rule. He alleged that the government, state, and individual interests have united under Sheikh Hasina's leadership to create what he called a "monstrous" authoritarian regime.

During his address, Rizvi expressed concern for those who have suffered due to their opposition to the current government. "Many people suffered due to dissent during Sheikh Hasina's rule," he said, adding that critics of the government have been silenced. He praised those who have sacrificed their lives and endured hardships in the fight for democracy.

Rizvi’s statements highlight the BNP’s continued critique of the ruling government, as the party calls for the restoration of a political environment that fosters true democratic practice.