Dr. Abdul Moyeen Khan, a member of the BNP standing committee, accused the ruling Awami League of stifling any opposition voice within the country. He made these remarks during his visit to the family of Rabiul Islam Nayan, a jailed member secretary of Jatiyatabadi Jubo Dal Dhaka Metropolitan South, at their residence in Moghbazar.

Dr. Moyeen emphasized that it's natural for people in Bangladesh to support different political parties, including the Awami League or BNP. However, he expressed concern about the absence of democracy in the country, highlighting the challenges faced by Nayan's family due to their political beliefs.

He condemned the harassment and constant threats faced by Nayan's family, urging the government to stop repression against opposition members. Dr. Moyeen stressed that the people of Bangladesh are striving for democracy, the right to vote, and freedom of speech.

The BNP leader called for the government to step down to pave the way for free, fair, and participatory elections and to ensure the basic rights of the people. He mentioned that the people rejected the national polls held on January 7, similar to the rejections in 2014 and 2018.

Dr. Moyeen underscored that for the Awami League to retain power through popular support, they must ensure democracy, freedom of speech, and the right to vote, ideals for which freedom fighters sacrificed their lives in 1971. He reiterated the desire of the people of Bangladesh to live in a free society.

Responding to a reporter's question, Dr. Moyeen emphasized that the BNP aims to come to power through the support of the people, rather than relying on foreign backing.