The government is conducting the unfair upazila polls without consulting the public or allowing the opposition parties to participate in order to give the leaders of the ruling party more room to pillage and seize people's belongings: Rizvi

In an effort to prevent voters from attending voting places on Wednesday, the Bangladesh Nationalists Party (BNP) on Tuesday advised them not to participate in the first round of the Upazila Parishad (UP) elections. 
"There will be four stages to the upazila voting, which begin tomorrow, Wednesday. BNP Senior Joint Secretary General Ruhul Kabir Rizvi said, "We call upon everyone to tell their relatives, brothers, and sisters all over the country not to go to the polling stations." 
Additionally, the BNP leader declared that no one need to back the fictitious elections for the upazila parishads. This vote is fake, absurd, and dishonest. No one is going to take part in the polls.
Rizvi made the comments just one day prior to the start of the UP polls. He was handing out pamphlets in the Banani area of the city to passersby, car drivers, and passengers. The leaflets contained the BNP's plea to boycott the elections. 
According to Rizvi, the fake national election called by the present usurper administration on January 7 was rejected by the electorate. "The dictatorship is planning to hold fake elections for upazilas once more. However, people who support democracy will also abstain from voting in this upazila." He said that since the government has stolen their right to vote, the people of the nation have no interest in visiting the polls.
The leader of the BNP said that the government is conducting the unfair upazila polls without consulting the public or allowing the opposition parties to participate in order to give the leaders of the ruling party more room to pillage and seize people's belongings. 
"We think that the people would abstain from the four rounds of upazila elections, which start tomorrow (Wednesday). Saying "no" to the upazila votes and calling on everyone to boycott them, he said. Upazila voting are scheduled to start in 140 of the 495 upazilas for the first round of the elections on Wednesday.
Elections are scheduled for three phases: the second on May 23, the third on May 29, and the fourth on June 5.
Similar to its position in the previous national election, the BNP is unwavering in its resolve to abstain from the upazila polls, claiming that the Awami League administration makes fair elections impossible.