Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP) Secretary General Mirza Fakhrul Islam Alamgir expressed worry on Tuesday, stating that the country's economic condition is currently very "alarming" and accusing the government of causing a catastrophic catastrophe through an unfair election on January 7.
Speaking with reporters during a meeting with a Gono Odhikar Parishad group, he added that his party has not commented on US Assistant Secretary of State Donald Lu's trips because they believe that people would not restore democracy by depending on outside powers.
In order to hold onto power without the backing of the people, the Awami League administration, according to the BNP chairman, has undermined democracy and the election process.
"By seizing power without the consent of the people, the current illegitimate regime has caused a political and economic crisis...the state of the economy has gotten alarmingly bad." It might collapse at any time since it's right on the brink of the canal," he noted.
The head of the BNP said that his party has been conducting a parallel movement to end this circumstance for a long time, in conjunction with 63 other political groups.
Leaders of the Gono Odhikar Parishad, under the current leader Nurul Haque Nur, met with Fakhrul, the head of the BNP liaison committee, in the chairperson's office in Gulshan.
According to Fakhrul, they talked about the political climate of the nation right now as well as the future directions of their simultaneous movement.
"We have no comment on this matter. I have said it before, and I say it again, that we do not believe the people of Bangladesh restore their democratic rights depending on others," Fakhrul responded when asked about Donald Lu's visit to Dhaka.
The BNP leader stated that the people of Bangladesh have always carried out democratic movements before and after 1970 and liberated the country relying on their own strength. "So, we prefer not to say much on this matter (Lu's visit)," he said, adding that the people of Bangladesh have always established their rights and realised their demands by themselves using their own power.