"The government gets a share of the money the business syndicate makes by increasing the prices of essential items:" Farroque

Zainul Abedin Farroque, a member of the Advisory Council for the head of the Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP), claimed on Saturday that the government maintains an active business syndicate that drives up the cost of necessities as part of their crony capitalism model.Farr

Sadly, the Awami League speaks haughtily and lacks shame. He remarked, "They talk about controlling increases in commodity prices, but they also form an underground syndicate."

The BNP leader said, "The government gets a share of the money the business syndicate makes by increasing the prices of essential items." He made these remarks during a human chain event.

"You (the AL leaders) will construct houses in Malaysia, Canada, Bangkok, and Singapore and engage in business with that syndicate money, while the impoverished people of Bangladesh are unable to purchase and consume even a kilogram of meat, much less an egg. However, the government exhibits haughtiness," he remarked.

To demand the unconditional release of BNP Chairperson Begum Khaleda Zia, Secretary General Mirza Fakhrul Islam Alamgir, Standing Committee Members Mirza Abbas and Amir Khosru Mahmud Chowdhury, as well as other opposition leaders and workers who have been arrested, "Swadhinta Odhikar Andolon" organized a human chain demonstration in front of the Jatiya Press Club.

Farroque, also a former opposition chief whip in parliament, said those who cannot prevent the rise in commodity prices and make people sleep peacefully at home, and those who are looting crores of taka in the name of mega projects and in the name of development should be ashamed of themselves.

“You (AL leaders) should keep your mouth shut… you should resign immediately. Because this is not a government of the people and it’s not formed by the votes of people,” he observed.

Farroque asked the ruling party leaders not to make comments belittling the BNP since the ground is also slipping from beneath AL's feet.

"Don't assume we're helpless. We've managed the government with integrity in the past, which makes us powerful," he said.

Despite the difficult times facing their party's leaders and workers, Farroque stated that they will carry on the continuing struggle with the people to bring down the government.
