Since India offered support to last month's election, which was rejected by the people and the majority of democratic nations, Bangladesh opposition party BNP Senior Joint Secretary General Ruhul Kabir Rizvi claimed on Friday that India wants a weak democracy in Bangladesh.

India has backed the January 7 election, according to the foreign minister, who made the statement on Thursday, in order to preserve democracy.

Asking whether India wants plastic democracy in its neighbors, Rizvi spoke at a news conference held at the BNP central office in Nayapaltan.

The 12th parliamentary election in Bangladesh, which he alleged was stage-managed and manipulated, was rejected and boycotted by the people of Bangladesh, a fact acknowledged by the whole world.

"We have to think that India wants a steel-like strong democracy in its own country, but it wants a plastic democracy in Bangladesh," the BNP leader said, if the election is fair, helps maintain democracy, and is supported by India as the foreign minister has claimed.

The administration is making a big show of announcing which nations are praising them and endorsing the election, according to Rizvi. They appear to be an isolated regime with little backing from the general populace.

Additionally, he claimed that government officials are boasting about foreign help because they are afraid of losing control after voters boycotted the previous elections.

The BNP leader claimed that because the Awami League government was not established with popular support, it is incapable of defending the nation's independence and sovereignty. It can now be seen. Nowadays, in the era of technology, everyone is observing how Bangladeshi civilians are being killed by mortar shells that originate in Myanmar. However, the government says nothing. It is even unable of making a statement in opposition to the border events."

He said that the government could not serve as a model for maintaining the nation's independence and sovereignty by engaging in diplomatic outreach and launching forceful demonstrations.

"It has proved once again that the world doesn't care about a government which lacks public support."

Rizvi claimed that BNP leaders and workers are facing various forms of harassment and repression in prisons.
"BNP leaders and activists are jam-packed into the nation's prisons, which are holding several times more prisoners than they can handle. He noted that prison cells had been converted into oppressive concentration camps.

The leader of the BNP said that overzealous authorities are mistreating BNP leaders and workers incarcerated by denying them access to all the facilities stipulated in the jail code.
