Dhaka, Sep 24 (V7N) – BNP leader Salahuddin Ahmed has called on the interim government to establish a comprehensive electoral roadmap, emphasizing that it is crucial to the broader state reform efforts currently underway.

The BNP Standing Committee member highlighted that such a roadmap would provide clarity, showing that the country's reform process is moving toward democratic governance.

"Only through this will the people regain their democratic rights," Salahuddin stated.

The seasoned politician made his remarks to the media after visiting the burned-down BNP office in Cox's Bazar on Tuesday. Salahuddin, who spent nine years in exile in India, emphasized that the victory secured through the bloody revolution led by students and the people must be honored by ensuring genuine democratic governance.

He added, "The country must be re-established as a truly democratic state."

Salahuddin also stressed the importance of vigilance against internal conspiracies, asserting that order must be restored, and every citizen, regardless of political affiliation, should enjoy the fruits of democracy.

"The world must witness that Bangladesh is governed by the rule of law," he said. "As citizens of an independent state, the people should stand tall with pride, and we must work together to achieve this."

The BNP leader also condemned those responsible for enforced disappearances, killings, and torture, stating that they have no place in the country's political future.