Naogaon, 25 June 2024– Grapes, a fruit traditionally imported and enjoyed across Bangladesh, may soon become a local product thanks to the efforts of Abul Kalam Azad, an innovative entrepreneur from Naogaon district. Azad has successfully undertaken the experimental cultivation of grapes, turning his vineyard into a thriving source of this popular fruit.

Grapes are a beloved fruit in Bangladesh, often chosen for their health benefits and enjoyed by patients and guests alike. However, the need to import grapes has always kept prices high. With Azad's successful cultivation, this dynamic is set to change.

Azad's journey began with the acquisition of seedlings from several improved grape varieties, sourced with the help of a collaborator from Dinajpur. He initially planted these on five percent of his land. The experiment bore fruit, literally, encouraging him to expand grape cultivation to fifteen percent of his land.

Grape cultivation requires meticulous care due to the fruit's juicy and sweet nature. Azad has implemented various protective measures, such as surrounding the garden with nets to prevent birds and animals from destroying the fruit. Additionally, nets and polynets are placed over the garden to regulate temperature.

This year, Azad plans to share the fruits of his labor by offering free grapes to visitors. He highlighted that a single vine can produce fruit for at least 20 years, with new grapes available every six months. His garden boasts a variety of grape types, including a seedless variety, catering to diverse tastes.

The success of Azad's vineyard has drawn visitors from the surrounding area. Many come to see the grapes firsthand and enjoy tasting them directly from the vines. Visitors have praised the quality of Azad's grapes, describing them as tasty and sweet. This success has sparked enthusiasm among locals, with many expressing interest in starting their own grape cultivation ventures.

Naogaon Agriculture Officer Khalilur Rahman has affirmed that the district's soil is well-suited for grape cultivation. After visiting Azad's vineyard, Rahman commended Azad's pioneering efforts and indicated that the agricultural department is ready to support other entrepreneurs interested in grape cultivation by providing necessary training and advice.

Azad's successful grape cultivation marks a significant milestone for local agriculture, offering a promising avenue for reducing dependence on imported fruits and boosting local economies.