"People are enjoying democracy now," she declared during a visit to her office in Parliament by Indra Mani Pandey, secretary general of the Bay of Bengal Initiative for Multi-Sectoral Technical and Economic Cooperation (BIMSTEC)."

On Tuesday, Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina said that the Awami League's fourth straight term in office meant that Bangladeshi citizens were finally experiencing democracy.

"People are enjoying democracy now," she declared during a visit to her office in Parliament by Indra Mani Pandey, secretary general of the Bay of Bengal Initiative for Multi-Sectoral Technical and Economic Cooperation (BIMSTEC).

After the call, KM Shakhwat Moon, the deputy press secretary for the PM, gave a briefing to the reporters.
According to the prime minister, the nation was formerly ruled by the military.
She listed the nation's citizens as one of her assets.

Hasina said that rural development has always been a priority for the government.

She said to have toured many villages and urged the locals to use every square inch of fertile land for food production.

"I asked everyone to participate in food production in any manner they can," she said.

She added that Bangladesh and BIMSTEC will cooperate to accomplish the shared objectives.

According to the prime minister, Bangladesh and India have always been friends.

She remembered gratefully that in 1971, India had provided significant assistance to Bangladesh and provided refuge to almost one crore people.

She added that she and her sister, Sheikh Rehana, sought safety in India following the murder of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, the father of the nation.

The prime minister was congratulated by the secretary general of BIMSTEC on her reelection.

He conveyed his delight with Bangladesh's involvement in BIMSTEC.

Additionally, he said that the BIMSTEC and Bangladesh would maintain their strong partnership.

He applauded Bangladesh's progress and the PM's goal of creating a smart Bangladesh and raising the country out of the LDC category.

According to the prime minister, Bangladesh intends to finish building the proposed BIMSTEC Secretariat Building in three years, with the goal of having the BIMSTEC leaders inaugurate it during the 7th Summit, which would take place in Dhaka.

She mentioned that the BIMSTEC had reorganized its areas of cooperation into seven sectors, each with a lead nation.

Bangladesh is leading the way in the BIMSTEC partnership's trade, investment, and development sector, according to her.

expressing optimism that, when Bangladesh assumes the Chairmanship following the next summit, the BIMSTEC Summit would continue to further ratchet up the forum's operations.

As the new SG and Chairmanship will be shared by two very friendly countries, India and Bangladesh, and the Secretariat is held in Dhaka, the Prime Minister expressed hope that the BIMSTEC process will reach new heights.

Muhammad Salahuddin, the PMO secretary, was in attendance.
