Dhaka, Jan 12 (V7N) — The Detective Branch (DB) of police has arrested three individuals in connection with the theft of 250 bhori of gold from Crown Diamond and Jewelers in the capital's Shyambazar area. The DB announced the arrests and recovery of 50 bhori and eight annas of gold at a press conference held at the Media Briefing Center in Dhaka on Sunday.

According to the DB, the gold theft occurred on January 3 at noon when an organized gang targeted the jewellery store. The incident was captured in an 8-minute CCTV recording, which helped the DB identify two suspects.

Following a series of operations conducted between January 9 and January 12 across various locations, police arrested one suspect en route from Cox's Bazar to Chattogram. Based on information from this suspect, two additional arrests were made in Cumilla, where the recovered gold was also found.

The arrested individuals are Md. Rubel (28), Shafiq alias Sohel (35), and Saddam Hossain (31). The recovered gold, valued at approximately 7 million taka, is a fraction of the stolen amount. The DB estimates that 8 to 9 people were involved in the crime and has identified other gang members. Efforts are ongoing to apprehend them and recover the remaining stolen gold.

Speaking at the press conference, a DB official noted that since January, 374 robbers have been arrested as part of broader efforts to combat organized crime.

Investigations and recovery operations are continuing to ensure that all culprits are brought to justice and the stolen property is returned to its rightful owner.