Cox's Bazar June 21,(V7N)- There is no news akin to happiness regarding Rohingya resettlement. Despite some new displacements in Rakhine State due to conflicts, Bangladesh is not prepared to accommodate them. The Rohingya crisis, spanning nearly seven years, remains the same, as expressed by Bangladesh's Refugee Commission. Meanwhile, Rohingyas foresee a dark future, with experts warning of potential increases in human rights abuses and other dangerous crimes.

Beside the world's longest sea beach lies the longest refugee camp. Observing it gives the impression of a sea of sorrow for countless people.

Twelve lakh Rohingyas have been separated from their own land to live in Ukhiya-Teknaf refugee camps for the last seven years. Despite various efforts to repatriate them to Myanmar, very few Rohingyas have been able to return. The Refugee Commission of Bangladesh states that there is no news resembling joy, only hope, concerning their resettlement.

Commissioner Mizanur Rahman of Refugee Relief and Repatriation Commission said, "Ensuring Rohingya rights, managing camps, ensuring a dignified life, and dealing with challenges in every area involving their repatriation to their country are confronting Bangladesh. Alongside this, the country's people are also suffering damage. It is regrettable that since 2017/18, we have not received the kind of cooperation from Myanmar that could have been expected. Although the Rohingya list was handed over to Bangladesh in 2018, they have not been able to verify-select them in seven years. They have been divided into three parts, one found on a register, another not found, and another terrorist group. After that, due to Myanmar's internal war, the whole thing has stalled now."

Rohingya leader Arakan Rohingya Society For Peace And Human Rights Chairman Mohammad Jobayer said about their future of darkness. The international community accused them of atrocities.

He said that at first, the international community's claim of rights for Rohingyas in Myanmar was returned, but now, they have left with pressure on Bangladesh. On the other hand, historically, the rebel group Arakan Army is not safe for us. Arakan Army has ordered Rohingyas to stay under their feet. It's immeasurable. It is appropriate to call Rohingyas a minority group in Myanmar. But they don't say.

In this new Myanmar conflict, an invasion is feared again. However, Bangladesh is not prepared to give anyone a place again.

Commissioner Mizanur Rahman of the Refugee Relief and Repatriation Commission said, "We hear that Rohingya has been in Rakhine for about 6 thousand years of war. They want to come to Bangladesh. In such a situation, the position of Bangladesh is that there are more than 1.0 million Rohingya currently in a large problem. In this situation, we are not ready to allow one Rohingya to enter Bangladesh. "

Refugee Relief Specialist and Professor of the Department of Marine Sciences at the University of Chittagong, Professor Dr. Rahman Nasiruddin, said Rohingyas are living with an uncertain future. The process of resettlement has been disrupted with Myanmar. As Myanmar will not take them back, Bangladesh is also unwilling to accommodate them. Therefore, this crisis will be as long as it continues, increasing various crimes, including human rights abuses.

On one side, an uncertain future, on the other hand, creating various crises. The question of solving the Rohingya crisis remains unresolved for seven years.