Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina has emphasized that freedom fighters, who sacrificed so much for independence, should always be held in the highest regard, irrespective of their beliefs or affiliations.

Speaking at an event at her office on Tuesday, the prime minister reminded everyone of Bangabandhu's call to fight the enemy with whatever was at hand.

“They gave up their families, parents, and everything they had, risking their lives for our victory. Therefore, they deserve the utmost respect at all times,” she stated.

She acknowledged that many freedom fighters might not support her party, the Awami League, and could have differing opinions. “Regardless of their stance, it doesn't matter to me. What matters is their immense sacrifice, their lives and blood, and many becoming disabled to secure our independence.”

"Even if they do not share my views or belong to my party, they remain freedom fighters. To me, every one of them is honored. We want the people of this country to continue respecting them for generations to come.

"At one point, freedom fighters were neglected. Since I took office, I have provided all kinds of support to them, so they can proudly say, 'I am a freedom fighter,'" Sheikh Hasina added.

She assured that no one in the country would be neglected, noting that Bangabandhu aspired to create an exploitation-free society. “He aimed for a society free from hunger and poverty. With that vision, we are ensuring that no one in this country is neglected."

"We have ethnic minority communities, people with disabilities, and individuals with autism, and we are very empathetic towards them. We ensure they have access to all societal benefits and do not fall behind."