Besides bringing discipline in marriage registration, Dhaka South City Corporation (DSCC) has fixed a certain amount of tax to raise revenue from this sector.

DSCC has fixed various tax rates from first marriage to four marriages. This information was informed in a press release on Tuesday.

According to the notification, Tk 100 in case of first marriage or remarriage after the death of the wife, Tk 5,000 in case of second marriage with the permission of the appropriate authority during the lifetime of the first wife, Tk 20,000 in case of third marriage and Tk 50,000 in case of fourth marriage for 'Marriage Registration Tax'. To be submitted to the revenue department. But if the first wife is mentally unstable or barren, then in case of subsequent marriage, tax of 200 Tk will have to be paid.

South City has said that this tax will be collected at the rate mentioned in order number 8 of fourth schedule of section 82 of Local Government (City Corporation) Act-2009 and number 10(4) of 152 of Standard Tax Schedule-2016.

Chief Executive Officer of South City Corporation. Mizanur Rahman said, divorce is an unexpected thing for everyone. But still the reality is that marriages break up. Although divorce information comes to the Corporation, we do not have any information regarding marriage registration.

He said, as a local government institution, it is mandatory according to the City Corporation Act. Also, having marital information often helps in decision-making in divorce cases. Besides, many times information is sought from learned courts and various organizations. As a result, through our activities, the marriage registration process as a whole will come under a proper management.

The Chief Executive Officer also said that many times after the death of a person, there are complications in determining his heirs. Moreover, in the case of travelers going abroad and Bangladeshis living abroad, sometimes there is a need to verify the accuracy of information related to marriage registration. In such special cases, the importance of marriage registration information is immense. Also sometimes foreign embassies require marriage information. Therefore, if the marriage registration proceedings are registered, they can also get this information from the City Corporation. Thus, such activities will contribute significantly in bringing discipline.

According to the circular, Dhaka South City Corporation sought the opinion of the Ministry of Law, Justice and Parliamentary Affairs, and the Ministry sent a letter on March 13 last year regarding the collection of tax as described in Order No 10(4) of 152 of Standard Tax Schedule 2016.

A discussion meeting was held with the stakeholders on June 6 last year in Selaksha. Corporation Mayor Sheikh Fazle Noor Tapos presided over the meeting.

Chief executive officer of the corporation Md. Mizanur Rahman, Chief Revenue Officer Ariful Haque, representatives of the Ministry of Law, Dhaka Divisional Registrar, Dhaka District Registrar were present.

Following this, instructions have been given to all concerned of the corporation. As a result, Ward No. 45 of the Corporation collected a revenue of 2800 rupees for 28 marriage registration programs last January.

At present this process is being conducted manually but soon initiatives have been taken to bring it online. If this work is implemented, the marriage registration tax can be paid through mobile financial services and online banking.