Myanmar has been urged by Bangladesh to take all necessary action to put an end to "any unacceptable situation" that might result in deaths in Bangladesh.

Bangladesh emphasized that it will not tolerate any more violations of air space in neighboring areas or the entrance of internally displaced people from Rakhine.

Bangladesh vehemently protested on Tuesday morning over the deaths and injuries caused by Myanmar mortar shells and bullets to its citizens.

The event in which mortar shells and bullets fired from Myanmar caused lives and endangered the safety and security of people and property in Bangladesh was severely denounced by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, which also summoned Aung Kyaw Moe, the ambassador of Myanmar to Bangladesh.

of the State Guest House Padma, the Myanmar Ambassador received the protest notice from the Director General of the Myanmar Wing of the Foreign Ministry.

The potential returnees' priority is safety and security in Rakhine State, the Myanmar Ambassador was further informed.

Bangladesh communicated that the Myanmar government has to act to make things better so that the repatriation process may start when it's convenient.

Bangladesh called for prompt action to return the BGP (Border Guard Police) members of Myanmar who have been seeking refuge in Bangladesh since February 4, 2024. The emphasis was also placed on Bangladesh's goal of peacefully resolving all disputes.

According to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the ambassador of Myanmar responded by promising to quickly convey to their authorities Bangladesh's serious concerns.

In agreement with the Bangladeshi authorities, he reaffirmed the government's position that the Border Guard Police must return as soon as possible.
