S Alam Refining Sugar Industries Limited, located in Isanagar, Karnaphuli upazila of Chattogram, had a fire on Monday.

According to Karnaphuli Fire Service warehouse inspector Shoaib Hossain Munshi, the fire started at the S Alam group's sugar mill around 4 p.m. and quickly spread.

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According to Abdul Malek, Assistant Director of Fire Service and Civil Defense, the S. Alam Refined Sugar Mill's fifth level is where the fire started. Devoted to bringing the fire under control are nine units from five different fire stations. Due to windy circumstances, the entire region is enveloped in dense black smoke, making firefighting activities difficult.

It has to be remembered that earlier on Friday, March 1, at around 11 p.m., a fire started at the S Alam Group's cold storage facility that is currently under construction next to the Baklia police station. After trying for around three hours, ten units from three fire stations managed to put the fire out at 2.5 pm.

Nevertheless, it was not possible to determine the fire's origin right away.
