Five attorneys were detained by the Dhaka Metropolitan Police (DMP) Detective Branch (DB) in connection with an altercation that occurred during the Supreme Court Bar Association (SCBA) election's early Friday vote counting. The incident was reported to Shahbagh Police Station.

The SC attorneys Barrister Osman Chowdhury, Tushar, Tariqul, Suman, and Kazi Bashir Ahmed are among those detained. On Friday night, they were apprehended from various locations across the capital.

The information was disclosed on Saturday at the DB headquarters located on Minto Road in the capital by DMP Additional Commissioner and DB Chief Muhammad Harun Or Rashid.

"Regardless of one's might, the law applies to everyone. Following the filing of the complaint at Shahbagh Police Station, DB police conducted a shadow investigation and detained five attorneys from various locations in the city, including Banani, Harun said.

According to the DB head, they are being questioned about violence before the nation's top court.

Which group of persons engaged in the altercation is irrelevant. All individuals implicated in the offense, against whom legal action was taken, will face consequences from the law, Harun continued.

He said that an investigation is being conducted to determine who was involved in the event.

Assistant Attorney General SR Siddique Saif filed a report at the Shahbagh Police station earlier on Friday night, citing 20 identities and 20–30 nameless individuals as victims of the assault.

Among the defendants in the case were Barrister Ruhul Kuddus, the BNP-backed candidate for the blue panel secretary position, and Adv. Nahid Sultana Juthi, an independent running for the SCBA secretary position. She is the wife of Sheikh Fazle Shams Parash, the head of the Jubo League.

The altercation caused injuries to at least seven persons.


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