There is ongoing conflict in the Rohingya camp in Ukhiya, Cox's Bazar. As a result, ordinary Rohingyas are getting injured. It has been reported that 10 people have been injured in this incident. The seriously injured have been admitted to various hospitals in the camp after being rescued.
Among the gunshot victims are Nur Bakshu's son Jiya Uddin (15) from Block F-72 of Kutupalong Rohingya Camp No. 3 and Shawkat Ali (45) from Block A-11 of Ukhiya Rohingya Camp No. 5. The names and addresses of the others have not been found.
On Friday night (May 24), a triangular conflict occurred in Block E, F of Rohingya Camps 3 and 4 in Ukhiya. Subsequently, additional police forces have been deployed in the entire Rohingya camp area.
It is learned that on Friday night, ARSOs (Armed Rohingya Solidarity Organization) clashed with ordinary Rohingyas and APBn (Armed Police Battalion) in Mochhara Bazar and various areas of Camps 3, 4, and 5 in Ukhiya. Nearly fifty rounds of gunfire were exchanged.
At this time, agitated Rohingyas in Block E of Camp 4 vandalized 25 shops belonging to ARSO members. Additionally, nearly ten shops were illegally destroyed by the terrorists.
No one from the Armed Police Battalion stationed at the Rohingya camp is willing to comment on this matter.
Regarding this, Officer-in-Charge Shamim Hossain of Ukhiya Police Station stated that he has heard about the triangular conflict in the Rohingya camp and that several people have been injured. Currently, they are undergoing treatment at Cox's Bazar Sadar Hospital.