Jhalkathi, Jan 31 (V7N) - A mobile court conducted by the Nalchiti Upazila Administration has fined an illegal brick kiln in Sujabad, under Mogor Union of Nalchiti, Jhalkathi.

On Thursday afternoon, the mobile court raided Messrs. Moon Bricks, an illegal drum chimney brick kiln in the area. The kiln was found using wood as fuel, violating the Brick Manufacturing and Kiln Establishment (Control) Act, 2013, Section 06. As a result, a fine of three lakh taka was imposed, with an alternative punishment of three months' imprisonment for non-payment.

The mobile court was led by Nalchiti Upazila Nirbahi Officer (UNO) and Executive Magistrate Md. Nazrul Islam. During the operation, the drum chimney was demolished, and the raw bricks were destroyed.

Officials from the District Department of Environment and representatives from Nalchiti Police Station were also present during the raid.