Moulvibazar, August 23 — Floodwaters in Moulvibazar continue to pose severe challenges as the Manu, Dhalai, and Kushiara rivers remain above flood levels. Despite a slight receding of the waters, persistent heavy rains and runoff from the hills of Tripura, India, have caused extensive flooding, breaching dams in 13 locations across Rajnagar, Kamalganj, and five other upazilas.

Over 200 villages are submerged, impacting millions of residents. The area is experiencing its second major flood within a month. Roads, homes, and bridge culverts are under water, and Aman paddy crops have been inundated. Locals report that this is the worst flooding they have seen since 2018.

The damage has severely disrupted communication with district headquarters in Kulaura, Rajnagar, and Kamalganj upazilas. The Manu River has breached its banks, flooding Hajipur, Mierpara, and Chaksalan in Kulaura, and Kadamhata, Ekamdhu, Adinabad, Ujirpur, and Konagaon in Rajnagar. Meanwhile, the Dhalai River has inundated Ganganagar, Mokabil, and other areas in Kamalganj.

In total, 212 villages across 37 unions have been affected. To address the crisis, 47 shelters have been established, housing approximately 6,500 individuals. The district administration has allocated 285 metric tons of rice for distribution and an additional 20.5 lakh taka for dry food and cash assistance.

According to the District Water Development Board, as of Friday morning, the water level of the Manu River at Chandnighat is 119 cm above normal, and 70 cm above the upstream railway bridge. The Dhalai River is 22 cm above the flood limit, while the Kushiara River is 11 cm above its Sherpur point. The Juri River is flowing 195 cm above normal levels.