Jhalokathi, Dec 31, (V7N) - In Rajapur, a grand farewell ceremony was held for Nazneen Begum, the headmistress of Saturia Government Primary School, as she retired. The event, held on Monday afternoon at the school ground, was attended by various dignitaries, including Akhtar Hossain, the Upazila Primary Education Officer, and social worker Anwarul Haque Nannu, who presided over the ceremony. Teachers and local community members were present to honor her contributions to education.
The ceremony was presided over by social worker Anowarul Haque Nannu, with teachers Riaz Hossain and Lutfor Rahman serving as the event’s conductors. Several prominent figures, including Samirendu Biswas, Biraj Ahsan, Arjuda Begum, Anowarul Haque Nannu, Nazrul Islam Bacchu, M.S.A. Monir, Abdul Moin Badsha, Shahnaara Khanam, Khaleda Shirin, Nilufa Yasmin, Rofiqul Alam, Nazrul Islam, Masud Karim, Shamsur Rahman Ashraf Ali, Atikul Islam, Md. Shahin, Haider Ali, Rofiqul Islam, Enamul Kabir, Abdul Alim Masud, Shamim Hossain, Nurul Kabir, Barsha Akter, Nishat Jahan Nira, Sayem, and Aysha Akter Mim, among others, were present at the ceremony.