Rajshahi, July 3 (V7N)- A large Indian python was found in a classroom of a primary school in Bagmara, Rajshahi. The snake was discovered by teachers and staff on the first day after the school reopened following a 20-day break for Eid-ul-Adha and the summer holidays.
On Wednesday morning, the python was found in the fifth-grade classroom of Mohanganj Government Primary School in Bagmara Upazila. Local residents later killed the snake by beating it. The sighting of this large snake has caused panic among the students.
It is reported that the Mohanganj Government Primary School is located near the banks of the Barnai River. It is believed that the snake floated to the school and took shelter in the classroom. The snake was discovered when the classroom was unlocked in the morning. The presence of the snake in the classroom has caused fear among the young students.
Confirming the incident, Manikuzzaman Manik, an assistant teacher at Mohanganj Government Primary School, said that after the long break, primary schools in Rajshahi, like the rest of the country, reopened on Wednesday. Around 9 AM, the school peon, Royal Karigor, unlocked the classroom doors. 
The students then took their seats in their respective classes. When the fifth-grade students sat in their seats, one of them suddenly saw the snake. The terrified students screamed and ran outside. Locals then arrived and killed the snake by beating it.
When contacted, Rajshahi District Primary Education Officer Saidul Islam said he was not aware of the incident. However, he mentioned that heads of institutions at the district and upazila levels would be instructed to be cautious about snakes.
It is noteworthy that all classes were closed from June 13 to July 2 for 20 days, and primary schools reopened on Wednesday.