On Sunday, Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina urged everyone to use their right to vote, stating that a lovely and accommodating atmosphere had been established for the elections.

A favorable atmosphere has been created. Your vote counts much. We have battled hard for the right to vote, and I sincerely hope that everyone in the nation would visit the polling places to cast their ballot. She declared, "Bangladesh will maintain its democratic trend," as she left the Dhaka City College polling place.

She thanked everyone for making it possible to hold the election today in spite of several challenges.

The president of the Awami League, Hasina, stated that although there were numerous barriers and difficulties, elections were desperately needed since the populace had been wary of exercising their right to vote.

"Because we have been able to create an environment where people can freely cast their votes in an election that will take place in five years." Even yet, she claimed, the BNP-Jamaat combination has engaged in damaging actions, including arson assaults.

She further stated that the partnership between the BNP and Jamaat did not support democracy. They also have no interest in the wellbeing of the nation's citizens, nor do they want democracy to continue.

"People will cast their votes as they like. And we succeeded in setting up that voting environment. Even yet, she claimed, the BNP Jamaat alliance has been responsible for numerous instances, including arson attacks.

PM Sheikh Hasina casts her ballot

She said that yesterday was also witnessed by the nation's citizens.

"You've seen it previously. from igniting automobiles and trains. They committed all these horrible acts—throwing cocktails, setting people on fire, and more—said the speaker.

According to Hasina, Bangladesh has seen a democratic trend since the Awami League came to office in 2009.

"We still have work to do. Our goal is to finish them. We hope that the boat will prevail and that, once more, we will be able to build a government with the backing of the populace and actualize our status as a thriving nation," the woman stated.

She declared that she believes in people.

Hasina reminisced about her experiences with bombs, grenades, torture, and incarceration.

However, I managed to reinstate people's voting rights. Voting is a right that people have nowadays. They're able to use it," she stated.

She declared that there will be an impartial, fair, and free election.

"We want the election to be fair, but people should vote for whoever they want." People's cooperation in all forms is what we need," she stated.

In response to a query regarding the BNP's election boycott, she declared that the BNP is a terrorist group.

"They don't think elections are real. A military ruler who had unlawfully taken over in defiance of the constitution created the BNP. They are therefore vote riggers. "This is their character—sealing the votes and stealing the people's votes," the speaker stated.

In this regard, she said that the BNP is not taking part in the election because they are not able to manipulate the results.

She reminded me that in the 2008 elections, the BNP won only 30 seats out of 300, and nobody ever voiced any complaints.

"And Awami League secured 230 seats by themselves. The BNP has been abstaining from voting ever since. Because it is in their character to meddle with the right to vote and to rig votes, whether they are yes or no. They won't be able to do that again, which is why they don't attend the elections, the speaker explained.

The Prime Minister claimed that the BNP-Jamaat clique is capable of carrying out acts of terrorism, including killing, burning alive, igniting trains, and destroying polling places.

They believe their politics to be that. And the nation's citizens disapproved of them for doing this. This is the reality, she continued.

She said that her duty is to the people of the nation when the international media asked how acceptable the election would be with the BNP boycotting it.

"It matters to me whether people accept this election or not. Therefore, their acceptance by international media doesn't concern me. Regardless of what the terrorist group said or did not say?

She stated that Bangladesh is independent and sovereign in response to a different query.

Despite our tiny size, we have a sizable population. Thus, the people's democratic rights have been established. Our primary objective is the welfare of the nation's citizens. That is our desired outcome.

She said that the democratic process has been guaranteed by the Awami League government.

"Because democracy is essential for development." This nation's accomplishment is a result of its persistent democratic streak from 2009 to 2023," the speaker stated.

She added, "Anyone who looks at the times of previous governments, including military rule, will see that they were unable to bring about any progress for the nation."

"People receive food and the ability to vote when the Awami League gains power. That is our primary objective. We've completed this task successfully. It is going to carry on in the future.

Hasina expressed confidence in her ability to win the election.

"I am very optimistic because the nation's citizens support me," With a victory sign, she said, "Inshallah, we win."