A number of the foreign observer team members observed the Narayanganj-1 (Rupganj) constituency polling place. On the afternoon of Sunday, January 7, they went to a few different locations in the upazila of Sadar Union and Murapara.

Voting began at 8 a.m. at the Narayanganj-1 constituency's several polling places, just like it did nationwide. Then, at around 11:00 am, a delegation of three people from Nigeria arrived to tour the Murapara Pilot High School facility in the upazila. Three different groups of Lebanese visitors arrived at the same center at 12:30 PM.

At lunchtime, however, a different group made up of two people from the United Kingdom and the Netherlands paid a visit to the Mahmudabad Government Primary School Center. Concurrently, the Lebanese observation group members conveyed their contentment with the overall outcome of the vote.

From the start, there was interest from overseas in this year's election. Subsequently, the Election Commission granted permission to almost two hundred foreign observers and journalists to witness this year's national elections.
They are remaining in the nation to see the elections.