On Tuesday-Wednesday, it announces a two-day mass contact program.

The BNP urged on Monday that Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina resign and that the 12th parliamentary election be called off, citing people's unilateral rejection of Sunday's ballot.

The party also reiterated its demand for new elections under a non-party polls-time administration to form a credible and responsible government during a press conference held at the party chairperson's Gulshan office.

In addition, the BNP announced a two-day mass contact programme on Tuesday and Wednesday to galvanise popular support for its demands.

The nation's populace abruptly and uncontrollably disapproved of Sunday's election. BNP Standing Committee member Dr. Abdul Moyeen Khan remarked, "We congratulate the people of the country for rejecting the election on behalf of 63 parties that called for boycotting the polls."

In addition, he added that despite several threats and forms of intimidation, the authorities did not transport voters to the polls.

On January 7, there was no election or voting. Vote tampering and vote robbery were the events that transpired, the BNP leader declared.

Nazrul Islam Khan, a fellow member of the BNP standing committee, stated that his party aimed to form a government that would be chosen by the people and answerable to them.

There must be a free and fair election to rectify the events of Sunday. Thus, the election has been rejected by the public. He remarked, "Everyone is stating that the voter turnout that the EC showed was phoney.

Therefore, BNP and other political parties engaged in a struggle to restore democracy are calling for the immediate cancellation of the January 7 sham election, Sheikh Hasina's resignation, and the establishment of a poll-time non-party neutral government to organise a nationwide election, according to Nazrul.

In addition, he said that the people must once again control the state, that all compelled killings, disappearances, and ghost cases must end, and that the populace must be shielded from his oppressive rule.

"People are now demanding these things. We applaud and express gratitude to the citizens who braved several threats and temptations, gave up something, and thwarted the government's devious plans to march voters to the polls in record numbers.