Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP) Secretary General Mirza Fakhrul Islam Alamgir issued a heartfelt appeal on Tuesday, urging opposition leaders and activists to rally behind the communities ravaged by the destructive Cyclone Remal, which wreaked havoc across various coastal regions of the nation.
Expressing profound sadness over the loss of lives and extensive damage to public infrastructure in the affected areas, Fakhrul emphasized the urgent need for solidarity.
According to reports, the cyclone tragically claimed the lives of at least 16 individuals, while approximately 4 million people were adversely affected by its impact.
Moreover, over 150,000 homes were decimated, and significant destruction was inflicted upon trees, farmland, and livestock by the ferocious storm.
Despite the immense challenges faced by the affected populace, Fakhrul expressed hope for their resilience and encouraged them to rebuild their lives with renewed determination.
Furthermore, he called upon the nation's affluent citizens and all concerned individuals to extend a helping hand to those in need during this trying time.
Addressing members of the BNP and its affiliated organizations, Fakhrul implored them to actively support the cyclone victims in the coastal regions, emphasizing the importance of solidarity and collective action in times of crisis.