The International Court of Justice (ICJ) has wrapped up its hearings on the contentious issue of Israel's occupation of Palestine. According to a report by Al Jazeera on Monday, the final day of proceedings saw the active participation of five countries and three organizations.

Turkey, representing Gaza's interests, used its platform to assert that the Israeli occupation lies at the heart of the ongoing conflict in the Middle East. The country's deputy foreign minister urged the court to declare the occupation illegal, emphasizing its role as the primary driver of instability in the region.

In addition to Turkey's arguments, representatives from the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), the Arab League, and the African Union highlighted the legal dimensions of Israel's occupation. They underscored how Israel's actions violate international law and infringe upon the Palestinians' fundamental right to self-defense.

Throughout the hearings, the focus remained on the ramifications of Israel's occupation of Palestinian territories and the broader implications for regional stability and peace efforts. The participating nations and organizations sought to demonstrate the illegitimacy of Israel's occupation and called for decisive action to address the ongoing humanitarian and human rights concerns in the region.

As the hearings conclude, observers await the ICJ's deliberations and eventual ruling on the matter. The outcome of these proceedings could have significant implications for the future trajectory of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and efforts to achieve a just and lasting resolution.