Dmitry Medvedev, the former President of Russia and current Deputy Chairman of the Security Council, has unequivocally stated that there will be no peace negotiations between Russia and Ukraine amidst the ongoing conflict.

Speaking at a youth festival in Russia on Monday, Medvedev asserted that Ukraine is an integral part of Russia. He emphasized that Russia will persist in its military operations until Ukraine capitulates.

Medvedev's remarks, delivered against the backdrop of a map of Ukraine visibly reduced in size, hinted at Russia's ambition to annex Ukraine's historical territories. Over the past two years of conflict, Russia has already gained control over vast swathes of Ukraine's eastern, southern, and Black Sea regions.

The former president expressed skepticism about peace talks under the leadership of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, insisting that negotiations could only proceed if Ukraine acknowledges the new reality.

Blaming the United States for exacerbating the crisis, Medvedev accused US special forces and military advisers of instigating the conflict. He drew parallels between the current situation and the 1962 Cuban missile crisis, suggesting that the relationship between Washington and Moscow has deteriorated to a critical juncture.

In a concerning development, a leaked wiretap recording purportedly revealed a German military officer discussing Ukraine's use of Taurus missiles manufactured in Germany. Medvedev seized upon this revelation to accuse Western powers of complicity in the annexation of Ukraine.

Medvedev's remarks underscore the deepening tensions between Russia and Ukraine, raising fears of prolonged conflict and further destabilization in the region.