Benjamin Netanyahu, often dubbed as the "butcher of the Middle East," finds himself increasingly isolated on both the international stage and within his own country. As criticism mounts against Israel's actions, even its staunchest ally, the United States, appears to be distancing itself from Netanyahu's leadership.

The explosive comments made by US Vice President Kamala Harris regarding the Palestinian situation have left Netanyahu disoriented. America, traditionally a steadfast supporter of Israel, is now openly criticizing Israel's actions, particularly its handling of the humanitarian crisis in Gaza.

Netanyahu's strained relationship with US President Joe Biden has further exacerbated his isolation. Biden, mindful of domestic and international concerns, is no longer willing to unconditionally support Netanyahu, especially amidst escalating tensions in the region.

Harris's rebuke of Israel marks a significant departure from previous US positions and underscores growing discontent with Netanyahu's policies. Even within Israel, Netanyahu is facing challenges from his political rivals, such as Minister Benny Gantz, who recently visited the United States without Netanyahu's approval.

The public clash between Gantz and Netanyahu highlights the deepening divide within the Israeli government. Netanyahu's attempt to undermine Gantz's diplomatic efforts reflects his desperation to maintain control amidst mounting pressure.

Moreover, internal strife within Israel's military adds to Netanyahu's woes. Several high-ranking officials, including those from the military spokesperson's team, have resigned over disagreements regarding the Gaza war and its aftermath. This internal discord further underscores the widening gulf between Netanyahu's government and the military establishment.

As Netanyahu grapples with external criticism and internal dissent, his leadership faces increasing scrutiny both at home and abroad. The once-unshakeable alliance between Netanyahu and the United States now hangs in the balance, as the Israeli leader finds himself increasingly isolated on the world stage.