Israeli forces have obstructed the passage of a World Food Organization (WFP) aid vehicle in Gaza, preventing crucial relief from reaching those in need. According to a report by Qatar-based news outlet Al Jazeera, fourteen WFP trucks were denied entry into northern Gaza on Tuesday (March 5), exacerbating the humanitarian crisis in the region.

In a statement released by the agency, it was revealed that their truck carrying essential food supplies attempted to enter Gaza through the checkpoint. However, after waiting for three hours, the relief fleet was forced to return without delivering aid. Subsequently, hungry Palestinians chased after the truck and managed to salvage approximately 200 tons of food. The WFP was compelled to resend relief to the region two weeks later.

The suspension of WFP activities on February 20 due to disorder and insecurity further exacerbated the dire situation. The organization has urgently appealed for unimpeded access to provide relief by land in order to avert a looming famine. Last Thursday, Israeli forces launched a brutal attack on aid workers in Gaza, resulting in the loss of over a hundred Palestinian lives. The continued obstruction of humanitarian aid only exacerbates the suffering of the Palestinian population in Gaza.