The United States has taken a decisive stance against individuals and entities believed to be contributing to violence and instability in the Palestinian West Bank. According to a report by the US news agency AP on Friday (March 15), sanctions have been imposed on three Israelis and two agricultural firms accused of exacerbating tensions in the region.

In a statement, US State Department spokesman Matthew Miller underscored the commitment to holding accountable those responsible for ongoing violence in the West Bank. This marks the second instance this year that the United States has levied sanctions on Israeli settlers.

The individuals targeted by the sanctions include JV Bar Yosef, Neriah Ben Pazi, and Moshe Sharvit, all of whom have transitioned from residing in Israel to the West Bank. Additionally, the agricultural firms Moses Farm and Javis Farm, situated near existing settlements in Halamish, have also faced sanctions.

JV Bar Yosef, founder of JV's Farm, and Moshe Sharvit, founder of Moshe's Farm, are identified as key figures in orchestrating violence against Palestinians from their respective farm bases.

Under the sanctions, assets associated with these individuals and organizations will be seized, and US citizens are prohibited from engaging in any business transactions with them.