Leo Varadkar, the youngest prime minister in Ireland's history, has announced his resignation from the post of Prime Minister and leader of the ruling Fine Gael party, as reported by BBC News on Wednesday. Varadkar made the announcement at a press conference held in the capital city of Dublin.

Addressing reporters outside government buildings in Dublin, the 45-year-old leader stated, "I am resigning as president of the Fine Gael party and as Prime Minister of the country." Varadkar expressed his belief that the timing was right for him to step down, citing personal and political reasons for his decision.

Varadkar, who assumed office as Prime Minister in 2017, acknowledged that after serving seven consecutive years as the country's leader, he no longer felt he was the best person to continue in the role. Throughout his tenure, Varadkar played a pivotal role in landmark legislative initiatives, including the legalization of same-sex marriage in 2015 and the repeal of abortion bans in 2018.

However, recent setbacks, including the defeat of proposed constitutional amendments in a referendum, led to internal criticism within the government. Varadkar faced mounting pressure following the referendum's outcome, prompting his decision to resign from both his leadership position within Fine Gael and the prime ministership of Ireland.

As Varadkar steps down from his roles, the political landscape in Ireland is poised for change, with the search for a new leader to helm both the ruling party and the country underway. Varadkar's departure marks the end of an era in Irish politics, as the nation navigates the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead under new leadership.