In a heart-wrenching revelation, a charity has reported that more than 10 children per day in Gaza have lost one or both of their legs since October 7, painting a grim picture of the severe humanitarian crisis in the region. Shockingly, many of these amputations were allegedly performed without anesthesia, underscoring the devastating impact of over three months of Israeli bombardment on the lives of innocent civilians.

Save the Children's occupied Palestinian territory office has condemned the killing and maiming of children, emphasizing the urgent need for accountability for these grave violations. The suffering endured by children in this conflict has been described as unimaginable and unnecessary, further highlighting the urgent need for international intervention.

The World Health Organization has reported that the shortage of medical supplies and basic goods in Gaza has led to operations on children being conducted without anesthesia, leaving medical professionals overwhelmed when treating blast injuries. Children, being nearly seven times more likely to die from such injuries than adults, are facing heightened vulnerability in this dire situation.

The charity is now calling for a definitive ceasefire to facilitate the uninterrupted flow of humanitarian aid and essential medicines into Gaza. This is deemed crucial to addressing the critical medical and humanitarian needs of the affected population.

According to the Palestinian Ministry of Health in Gaza, the casualty figures are staggering, with at least 22,835 Palestinians killed and 58,416 others injured since October 7. Moreover, the conflict has resulted in the forced displacement of almost 90% of Gaza's more than 2 million population, adding to the immense human tragedy.

The UN's children's agency has raised alarms over a triple threat to children in Gaza, comprising conflict, malnutrition, and disease. Cases of diarrhea in children under the age of 5 have seen a significant surge, with 90% of children under 2 facing severe food poverty. This deadly combination of malnutrition and disease poses an imminent threat to the lives of the children in Gaza.

The top emergency relief official at the UN has warned of an impending public health disaster in Gaza, with sewage overflow and the spread of infectious diseases in overcrowded shelters. Urgent humanitarian intervention is required to avert a catastrophe and ensure the survival of the people in Gaza.

As the international community grapples with the severity of the situation, the world watches with bated breath, hoping for an immediate and effective resolution to the crisis that has left an indelible mark on the lives of the innocent in Gaza.

News Source: CNN