In response to escalating tensions between Iran and Israel, reports from US-based media outlets suggest that Iran has intensified its preparations for retaliatory attacks on Israeli territory.

According to ABC News, Iran has reportedly readied over a hundred cruise missiles along with a significant number of drones for potential strikes against Israel. The preparations have been underway for the past week, as per unnamed US officials cited in the report.

Additionally, CBS News claims that Tehran is gearing up for a major assault on Israel in retaliation for the recent missile attack on the Iranian consulate building in Damascus, Syria. The planned attack could involve launching at least 100 drones and dozens of missiles, making it challenging for Israel to defend against such a large-scale assault.

Meanwhile, Middle Eastern media outlets suggest that armed groups supported by Iran, such as Hezbollah in Lebanon and Houthi rebels in Yemen, could also join in direct attacks on Israel's border areas. Other groups potentially involved include Iraq's IRI and Gaza's Hamas.

The tensions between Iran and Israel heightened after Israel's missile strike on the Iranian consulate building in Damascus on April 1, which resulted in the deaths of several Iranian military advisers. In response, Tehran issued threats of retaliation, with Iran's Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei vowing to punish Israel for the attack.

While US intelligence sources have warned of a possible Iranian attack on Israel within the next 24 to 48 hours, sources close to the Iranian government indicate that no final decision has been made regarding the timing or nature of the retaliation.

As tensions continue to mount in the region, concerns are growing over the potential escalation of conflict between Iran and Israel, with both sides bracing for the possibility of further hostilities.