In the wake of Iran's thwarted drone and missile assault on Israeli soil, global tensions have reached unprecedented levels. Western allies, including Israel's staunch supporter, are apprehensive about Iran's resolute stance, urging Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to exercise restraint. The United States and its allies have advised against retaliatory strikes on Iran.

Saturday night's unprecedented attack by Iran has set both sides on edge, prompting intense deliberations. Israel contends that the majority of the 300 drones and missiles launched by Iran were intercepted mid-air. However, Iran claims to have achieved its objectives in the attack, notably gaining insight into Israel's defense capabilities.

Despite Israel's formidable military backed by the US and the West, Iran remains a formidable force, ranking higher in global military power indices. Iran's substantial investment in missile and drone development, alongside proxy forces like Hezbollah and Houthis, bolster its military prowess.

Nevertheless, Iran lags behind Israel in one critical aspect: fighter jets and modern air defense systems. However, speculation suggests Russia is poised to address this imbalance by bolstering Iran's air defenses, while the US continues to fortify Israel's air force.

Amid Israel's contemplation of a response, Tehran issued a stark warning to both Tel Aviv and the West, asserting that retaliation for the attack on the Iranian consulate in Damascus has concluded. Any further aggression from Israel would be met with a tenfold response, with US interests in the Middle East becoming targets.

The international community remains on edge, with Russia swiftly deploying a significant fleet to the Mediterranean in response to the escalating tensions. Kremlin leader Vladimir Putin's decisive action underscores Russia's readiness to intervene should Israel launch a counterattack on Iran.

In a statement, Iran's Major General Mohammad Bagari emphasized that their attack targeted solely military installations responsible for Israeli airstrikes on Damascus. Bagari warned of dire consequences for Israel should it retaliate, while affirming Iran's right to self-defense as exercised through the attack. Despite the stern warning, Tehran conveyed to the UN Security Council its commitment to peace, signaling its reluctance for further escalation.