Amid escalating tensions in the Middle East, the United States is poised to supply additional weapons to Israel, further fueling the conflict in the region. Israel, which already receives the majority of its arms aid from the US, is set to benefit from another billion-dollar arms deal.

According to a report by the Wall Street Journal on Friday, US Congress officials revealed plans for a new arms deal with Israel, encompassing tank shells, military vehicles, and mortar shells. The Biden administration's decision comes at a time of heightened unrest, with ongoing conflicts in Gaza and direct confrontations with Iran.

Meanwhile, efforts to grant Palestine full membership in the UN Security Council faced a setback as the United States vetoed the proposal. The resolution, raised in Algeria, aimed to bolster Palestine's status on the global stage but was thwarted by US opposition.

Israel's military actions in Gaza over the past six months have drawn condemnation for their indiscriminate targeting of Palestinian civilians. Additionally, recent missile strikes near Iran's nuclear facility in Ispahan have added to regional tensions.

The US and Germany remain key supporters of Israel, with both countries supplying significant portions of its weapons arsenal. While the US leads in arms aid, Germany plays a vital role by providing approximately 30 percent of Israel's military equipment needs in the Middle East.

As the arms deal moves forward, concerns mount over its potential to exacerbate conflicts in the already volatile region. The decision underscores the intricate geopolitical dynamics at play and the challenges in achieving lasting peace in the Middle East.