In a dramatic turn of events at the United Nations General Assembly, Israeli ambassador Gilad Erdan expressed vehement anger and frustration after a resolution in favor of recognizing Palestine as a full member of the UN was passed. Erdan, visibly enraged, tore up the UN Charter in the General Assembly following the voting process.

With 143 out of 193 member countries voting in favor of Palestine's full membership, including key nations, and 9 countries, including the United States and Israel, voting against, the resolution passed with a significant majority. Additionally, 25 countries abstained from voting on the resolution.

In a passionate speech, Erdan condemned the decision, stating, "Today will be written as one of the darkest days. I want the whole world to remember the immoral act that happened in the United Nations today." He went on to accuse the UN of hypocrisy, citing its purported stance against terrorism while supporting a country that provides shelter to terrorists.

Erdan also expressed concern about the implications of Palestine's newfound status, warning that it could pave the way for Hamas militants to gain control. He emphasized his belief that the decision to recognize Palestine as a full member of the UN would embolden Hamas, the militant group governing the Gaza Strip, and undermine efforts for peace in the region.

The resolution grants Palestine some additional privileges within the UN, including seats alongside other member states in the General Assembly session room starting from September. However, Palestine will not have the right to vote on proposals presented to the General Assembly.

The passing of this resolution marks a significant development in the longstanding Israeli-Palestinian conflict, raising questions about the future of peace negotiations and regional stability.