Beirut, 24 June 2024 – The Grand Shiite Mufti of Lebanon, Sheikh Ahmad Kabalan, has issued a dire warning to Israel, stating that any full-scale attack on Lebanon will result in severe consequences for the Zionist state. Speaking in Beirut on Sunday, Kabalan emphasized that Hezbollah is prepared to launch a massive retaliation if Israel initiates a new war.

"If Israel attacks, they will face an appropriate response," Kabalan declared. "The downfall of the Zionist state will be written in Lebanon."

In his speech, Kabalan claimed that Hezbollah is capable of launching 500,000 missiles at Israel in the event of a full-scale conflict. He warned that the destructive power of these missiles could set Israel back 70 years. He asserted that no Israeli soldiers would return alive from Lebanon and criticized Israel for underestimating Hezbollah and Lebanon's capabilities.

The Grand Mufti also argued that attempts to escalate tensions would ultimately benefit the Resistance Front, not Israel. "The Resistance Front's aim is to protect Lebanon's sovereignty and national interests," he said. "Israel is living in a state of utter confusion if it believes it can defeat Hezbollah."

Kabalan pointed to Israel's ongoing struggles in Gaza as evidence of its inability to overcome determined resistance. Despite Israel's substantial stockpile of weapons and ammunition, it has been unable to defeat Hamas and other fighters in Gaza over the past eight months. In contrast, Kabalan claimed that Lebanese resistance fighters possess a significant arsenal of sophisticated technology.

Following Netanyahu's threats, Hezbollah Secretary General Hassan Nasrallah also issued a stern counter-threat. Nasrallah warned that if Israel launched a full-scale attack on Lebanon, Hezbollah fighters would ensure no part of Israel remained untouched.

Adding to the escalating rhetoric, Hezbollah released satellite images of key Israeli military and civilian installations on Sunday, signaling potential targets in the event of war. This move has sent shockwaves through Tel Aviv and beyond, highlighting the serious threat posed by Hezbollah.

As the war of words and threats between Israel and Lebanon intensifies, the international community remains deeply concerned. Efforts are underway to encourage diplomatic resolutions and prevent further escalation, as the region teeters on the brink of conflict.