Jerusalem, June 30 2024— Thousands of ultra-Orthodox Jews took to the streets of occupied Jerusalem on Sunday, staging mass protests against the Supreme Court's order mandating their conscription into the Israeli army. The demonstrations led to significant clashes with police, highlighting the deep-seated tensions over this controversial issue.

The protesters, staunchly opposed to the conscription order, carried placards and banners with anti-government slogans, voicing their strong dissent against the Netanyahu administration's decision. The ultra-Orthodox community, known for its devout and evangelical lifestyle, has historically been exempt from mandatory military service.

Police responded to the large-scale protest with water cannons in an attempt to disperse the crowds, leading to confrontations between law enforcement and the demonstrators. The clashes underscored the community's fierce resistance to the Supreme Court ruling.

For decades, the ultra-Orthodox community has enjoyed exemptions from military service, which is mandatory for most Israeli citizens. However, the Supreme Court's recent decision aims to end this exemption, compelling all eligible members of the community to join the army.

The protests reflect the broader societal debate in Israel about the role of the ultra-Orthodox community and their contributions to national duties. As tensions continue to rise, it remains to be seen how the government will navigate this contentious issue and address the community's grievances.