Beirut, July 10 – Hezbollah's extensive and advanced military capabilities have raised significant concerns in Israel, according to a report by the Institute for National Security Studies (INSS), an Israeli think tank. The report highlights Hezbollah’s possession of a vast array of destructive weapons, including cruise missiles, ballistic missiles, advanced coastal anti-ship missiles, and thousands of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs). The group's secure and advanced cyber systems add to its formidable military strength.

The INSS report warns that an all-out war with Hezbollah could lead to massive casualties and extensive damage to both Israeli civilian and military targets. Al Mayadin, a Lebanese-based media outlet, revealed that the Israeli government, led by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, is deeply concerned about the potential threat posed by Hezbollah’s arsenal.

Hezbollah, a staunch supporter of Palestine, has been identified as the primary military threat to Israel since the 2006 Lebanon war. The INSS report emphasizes that Hezbollah has significantly enhanced its military capabilities, amassing at least 150,000 missiles, rockets, and other lethal weapons. This arsenal includes a wide range of advanced weaponry capable of inflicting severe damage on Israel.

The report highlights that since October 8, 2023, Hezbollah has fired over 5,000 projectiles at Israeli targets, including high-trajectory shells, rocket artillery shells, and direct-fire projectiles. These attacks have resulted in the deaths of at least 29 Israelis. Israeli security analysts note that Hezbollah’s ability to hit targets with precision has intensified the threat.

Israeli security experts predict that a war with Hezbollah could have devastating consequences, potentially lasting several months. The report underscores that such a conflict would result in significant loss of life and widespread destruction of infrastructure. The potential for a prolonged war adds to the anxiety surrounding Hezbollah's military capabilities.

In light of these developments, the INSS report urges the Israeli leadership to take the threat posed by Hezbollah seriously and to prepare for the possibility of an escalated conflict. The combination of Hezbollah's advanced military arsenal and secure cyber systems represents a formidable challenge for Israel, with the potential to cause substantial damage and disrupt the country’s stability.