Tel Aviv, August 13 –Tensions within Israel’s cabinet have surfaced again, as a public dispute between Defense Minister Yoav Gallant and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu over the ongoing Gaza war strategy has come to light. The disagreement revolves around Netanyahu's declared objective of achieving "total victory" over Hamas, which Gallant dismissed as an unrealistic and "nonsensical delusion." This internal clash was reported by The New York Times.

During an intelligence briefing, Gallant openly criticized Netanyahu's rhetoric, stating, "I've heard all the heroes playing war drums, spouting nonsense like achieving 'total victory.' I also saw their courage during the discussion," referring to the gap between political statements and military realities.

Netanyahu's office quickly responded, labeling Gallant's remarks as harmful and "anti-Israel," claiming they undermined ongoing efforts to secure the release of prisoners held by Hamas.

The dispute escalated as hardline Member of Parliament Tally Gotliv defended Netanyahu, stating, "I am not ready to accept what you have called the Prime Minister's speech as meaningless delusion." Gallant, however, stood his ground, emphasizing his expertise in security matters over political maneuvering.

This is not the first time Gallant and Netanyahu have clashed. In March 2023, Netanyahu dismissed Gallant after a disagreement on national security issues. However, facing significant public backlash, Netanyahu reinstated Gallant just two weeks later.

The recent exchange underscores the deep divisions within the Israeli government over the handling of the Gaza war, as the conflict continues to draw both domestic and international scrutiny.