Pyongyang, Sep 13 (V7N)- North Korea has, for the first time, publicly released images of its uranium enrichment facility, showcasing leader Kim Jong Un touring the site. The images, published on Friday by the state-run Korean Central News Agency (KCNA), display Kim walking through rows of metal centrifuges, which are essential for producing nuclear fuel for atomic weapons. This revelation comes despite years of international sanctions aimed at curbing the country's nuclear program.

The exact location of the facility remains undisclosed, and it is unclear when Kim's visit took place. However, experts believe this public release could be politically motivated, potentially aiming to influence the upcoming US presidential election in November.

Jenny Towne, a North Korea expert at the US-based Stimson Center, noted that the images provide a glimpse into the country's advanced enrichment capabilities. North Korea's move to openly display its uranium enrichment process marks a significant moment in its defiance of international regulations.

In response, South Korea reaffirmed its stance against any nuclear threats, promising strong resistance in collaboration with the US. A South Korean official stated that any provocation from North Korea would be met with firm measures from the Seoul-Washington alliance.

During his visit, Kim Jong Un reportedly called for an increase in nuclear materials to bolster North Korea’s strategic arsenal, emphasizing the importance of these weapons for self-defense and pre-emptive strike capabilities against perceived threats from the United States and its allies.

While North Korea has long been suspected of operating multiple uranium enrichment facilities, their exact locations have remained a mystery. The last known foreign access to such a facility was in 2010, when foreign scientists visited the Yongbyon nuclear site. The release of these latest images marks the first time North Korea has publicly showcased its uranium enrichment efforts.

This development raises global concerns as North Korea continues to defy international pressure, further escalating tensions in the already volatile region.