Dhaka, Sep 27 (V7N): Nobel laureate Dr. Muhammad Yunus, serving as the Chief Adviser, has called upon the international community to support a ‘new Bangladesh’ dedicated to ensuring freedom and democracy for all. He made this appeal during his address at the 79th session of the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) on Friday, following a youth-led movement that brought him to power last month.

In his speech, delivered in Bangla, Dr. Yunus emphasized that the youth of Bangladesh have demonstrated that freedom, dignity, and rights should be universal. He urged the international community to strengthen ties with Bangladesh in its pursuit of democracy, equality, and justice, so that the country can emerge as a fair and inclusive democratic society.

Dr. Yunus highlighted the importance of international cooperation, stressing the need for collaboration that addresses critical socio-economic challenges and creates opportunities for jobs and livelihoods. He called for partnerships that connect global businesses and knowledge holders with the needs of people.

Assuring Bangladesh's commitment to peace and justice on international, regional, and national levels, Yunus said the country would continue its efforts to build a just society. He reflected on the recent student-led uprising, which, though initially focused on ending discrimination, evolved into a larger movement against autocracy, corruption, and injustice.

He also spoke of the sacrifices made by young people during the uprising, with many losing their lives or suffering severe injuries in their fight for justice. Yunus expressed admiration for their courage and determination, noting that this collective resolve will shape the future of Bangladesh as a responsible and responsive nation.

Furthermore, Dr. Yunus pointed out the extent of corruption and decay that plagued the previous government, with public institutions being politicized and wealth concentrated in the hands of a few. Under these circumstances, his interim government is tasked with rebuilding the state and restoring justice.

The government has already initiated several reforms, including the creation of independent commissions to address issues in the electoral system, judiciary, civil administration, and law enforcement. Additionally, the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights has dispatched a Fact-Finding Mission to investigate human rights violations during the recent people's movement.

Dr. Yunus reaffirmed Bangladesh's commitment to multilateralism and fostering friendly relations with all nations. The government has also joined the International Convention for the Protection of All Persons from Enforced Disappearance, with national legislation in progress for its implementation.

The interim government is focused on prioritizing education and health over grand infrastructure projects and is dedicated to ensuring free and fair elections. Extensive reforms in the banking and financial sectors have also been initiated to create a favorable business environment in Bangladesh.