New York, Sep 28 (V7N) -Addressing the 79th session of the United Nations General Assembly, Bangladesh's newly-appointed leader, Professor Muhammad Yunus, shared a transformative vision for the country. In his speech, he highlighted the historic youth-led "monsoon revolution" that dismantled the autocratic regime earlier this year.

The revolution, which began as a movement against discrimination, evolved into a nationwide struggle for freedom, democracy, and justice. Professor Yunus emphasized that the youth’s efforts have given Bangladesh a second chance to realize its founding principles of liberalism, pluralism, and secularism. “Our people, especially the youth, have given Bangladesh a second chance to fulfill its founding principles,” Yunus stated.

With the new government entrusted with rebuilding the nation, Yunus outlined his commitment to reforming deeply politicized institutions and eradicating entrenched corruption. He vowed to restore public trust through good governance, democratic reforms, and accountability for all public officials, ensuring a political environment where freedom of expression is protected.

On the global stage, Yunus urged world leaders to prioritize climate adaptation for vulnerable nations like Bangladesh, calling for the operationalization of the Loss and Damage Fund. He also introduced his “three zero” vision: zero poverty, zero unemployment, and zero net carbon emissions, underscoring Bangladesh’s role in finding innovative solutions to the global economic crisis.

Reaffirming Bangladesh's commitment to multilateralism, Yunus noted the country’s contribution to UN peacekeeping missions and pledged its continued active role in global peace and development.

In a heartfelt tribute to the young martyrs of the revolution, Yunus emphasized that their sacrifice would not be in vain, calling on the international community to engage with the "new Bangladesh" that aspires to uphold freedom, democracy, and justice for all.

This speech marks a turning point for Bangladesh, showcasing its renewed commitment to democratic values and its ambition to be a key player in promoting global peace and development.