More than 4 lakh people live in Teknaf Upazila, which is around 82 kilometers from Cox's Bazar City in Bangladesh. There are several reasons why this upazila is significant, including trade, business, and tourism. But since a sizable number of Rohingya left Myanmar and sought safety in Teknaf in 2017, the locals there have had to deal with a multitude of issues.

Ukhiya, Teknaf : Photo Collected

Crimes against humanity plague the residents of Teknaf, including drug trafficking, killings, and the kidnapping of Rohingyas. The cases of kidnapping, extortion for ransom, and murder terrify individuals in particular.

Two days 3 missing including students in Teknaf

More kidnapping occurrences are occurring in the three upazila unions of Hnila, Hoikong, and Baharchhara. The cases of kidnapping, extortion for ransom, and murder terrify individuals in particular.

There are more kidnapping instances in this Upazila's three unions: Hnila, Hoikong, and Baharchara. In the last two months, at least 15 Rohingya representatives and law enforcement claim that they have been kidnapped for ransom.

In the three unions of the upazila—Hnila, Hoikang, and Baharchara—abduction instances are on the rise. At least 15 Rohingya sailors and law enforcement officials claim that throughout the past two months, kidnappings for ransom have occurred.

Two farmers missing from Baharchara Hills in Teknaf

In the past two months, the following people have been kidnapped: Saad bin Abdullah, a first-class student who lives in Hnila under the Teknaf Police station; former residents of Baharchara Union of Teknaf, Ali Ahmad and Syed Alam; and three people who were taken from the 26 No Shalbagan Rohingya camp: Muhammad Aziz, age 7, son of Nur Mohammad; Muhammad Shahin, age 4, son of Jamal Hossain; and Nurul Haq, age 35, son of Abdul.

Belal Hossain, 28, of Petan's lineage; Ayasur Rahman, 4, of Sana Ullah; and Mohammad Ali, 28, of Abdur Rahman's lineage.

Tareque Mahmud Roni, the president of Nhila Adarsh Government Primary School, stated that apprehending armed terrorists through coordinated operations in the highlands is not a tough undertaking.

Anwarul dies of injuries from border firing in Ukhiya

Unknown to me, it is not taking place. The Rohingyas are not the only locals implicated in the kidnapping episode.
He insisted on identifying and apprehending them.

Ukhiya-Teknaf: Photo Collected Noteworthy, the Teknaf Baharchara Investigation Center's chief, Moshiur Rahman, confirmed to Voice7 News that the police squad freed the kidnapped individuals, Ali Ahmad and Syed Alam.

Regarding the abduction of Saad Bin Abdullah, a first-grader, Voice7 News was informed by Officer In-charge (OC) Md Osman Gani of the Teknaf Model Police Station that an arrest has been made, a report has been filed, and efforts are in progress to free Saad.


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