In Rajshahi metropolis, concerns rise as rows of multi-storied buildings spring up amidst allegations of rampant disregard for building regulations. Reports suggest that many constructions are greenlit with deviations from approved designs, lacking crucial fire-fighting infrastructure, and compromising on public safety.

Complaints have surfaced, accusing the Rajshahi Development Authority (RDA) of approving building designs and fire safety certificates in exchange for bribes. This alleged corruption undermines the integrity of the approval process and jeopardizes the well-being of residents.

The recent spotlight falls on the Grand Riverview Hotel, located in Kazihata area, which obtained land use clearance from the RDA in April 2019. Despite being granted approval for a 10-story structure adhering to building regulations and fire protection standards, reports indicate that the construction failed to comply with the approved design and fire safety conditions.

Abul Kalam Azad, an authorized officer of the RDA, claims no complaints have been received regarding the Grand Riverview building's regulatory violations. However, if proven, he asserts that the design will be rejected.

Meanwhile, AKM Morshed Lucky, assistant director of Rajshahi Fire Service and Civil Defense, emphasizes that no separate fire safety certificate will be issued for the same building. Any violations of the fire certificate's conditions will face strict repercussions.

As complaints mount and scrutiny intensifies, authorities must address these allegations seriously, ensuring strict enforcement of regulations and accountability for any misconduct. Public safety should remain paramount amidst the urban development of Rajshahi metropolis.