In a notable development, dairy production in Rajshahi has witnessed a significant surge, contributing to the region's journey towards self-sufficiency in dairy products. Particularly in the char and rural areas, milk production has seen a notable rise, rendering Rajshahi now self-reliant in dairy. 
June 3, (V7N Rajshahi)- Dairy production is on the rise in Rajshahi, especially in the char and rural areas. As a result, Rajshahi is now self-sufficient in milk.
According to the information from the District Livestock Department, the demand for milk in Rajshahi is 5.8 million metric tons. Last year, milk production amounted to 5.5 million metric tons. This year, production has increased to 5.8 million metric tons. The number of dairy cows in the area is approximately three million.
Upon inspection, it is observed that there are sandbars in Padmapara of Rajshahi, where cattle graze. Due to the drying up of the Padma River, sandbars have emerged within the river. These sandbars serve as temporary shelters for thousands of cattle, known as 'bathan.'
Chorkhidirpur, No. 10 or Middle Char of Hariyan Union in Paba Upazila, is one such sandbar. There are around five to six thousand cows, buffaloes, and goats in three 'bathans' on this sandbar.
Khalra, a local resident, stated that the price of milk has increased compared to before. Therefore, owners have increased dairy cow farming on the sandbars.
One of the owners of a 'bathan,' Shafiqul Islam, said, "There are around fifty to a hundred cows here. Those who have a hundred cows are called 'millionaires' because the price of each cow is approximately one lakh taka. Due to the profit, cattle owners keep cows in 'bathans.' Now, there is a high demand for milk. Therefore, locals are interested in dairy farming compared to paddy cultivation."
Ghosh (herdsman) Niramoy Das said, "We collect at least 200-250 kilograms of milk from here every day. Even though transportation of milk from here is costly, we still come. Because the cows eat grass from the field, the demand is high."
Another 'bathan' owner, Md. Bachchu, said, "It is very difficult to collect food for thousands of cows naturally. Yet, the number of cows has increased. Milk production has also increased. Previously, we used to have two cows. Later, we started raising cows alongside paddy cultivation. In the last two years, I have bought four more cows. The cows produce 25 kilograms of milk daily, and I also get a good price."
This information was shared with District Livestock Officer Dr. Zulfikar Mo. Akhtar Hossain. He stated, "There is sufficient production of meat and milk in Rajshahi. This district is self-sufficient in milk and meat. Especially, milk production is increasing. Compared to last year, production has increased this time.