OpenAi, August 16 — OpenAI has taken decisive action against a group allegedly using its AI technology, ChatGPT, to influence the upcoming U.S. presidential election. The group, known as 'Storm-2035', reportedly used ChatGPT to generate content that included commentary on U.S. election candidates, the ongoing Gaza conflict, and Israel's participation in the Olympic Games. This content was then disseminated on social media platforms, according to a report by the Washington Post.

OpenAI confirmed that it had deleted all accounts associated with the group after discovering their activities. Despite their efforts, the group did not achieve significant engagement, with most of their social media posts receiving minimal likes, shares, or comments.

In response to these activities, OpenAI has stated that it remains vigilant against any future attempts to misuse its platform for political influence. This comes after an intelligence report from Microsoft earlier this month highlighted that the Iranian network Storm-2035 was using four websites disguised as news outlets to sway U.S. voters. 

The swift action by OpenAI underscores the growing concerns over the use of AI technologies in political manipulation and the measures being taken to prevent such interference in democratic processes.